TSC says a total of 14,460 teachers hired in September to talk about the shortage and replace retired staffs have been posted.
The CEO for the Teachers Service Commission, Dr Nancy Macharia, said all the teachers were enlisted in September 2022 and confirmed that their position letters have been released.
She said that the TSC has posted 14,460 teachers who were enlisted last month rising from the fresh recruitment and additional of teachers who left service through natural abrasion.
This comes a time when a quantity of teachers who were enlisted last month are yet to have there posting letters in spite of filling employment forms.
In some counties the hiring forms had the dates showing when the teacher will be listed with some indicating their placement in December 2022.
In her address during the World Teachers Day, Macharia also said that discussions are ongoing in the plan to employ 58,000 teachers as assured by Kenya Kwanza government.
However, she did not deliver the timelines for the enrolment but said teachers should suppose good things going forward.
Nancy Macharia also thanked teachers for their pliability despite their weighty teaching load caused by huge learner enrollment.
She added that she is celebrating the teachers for unending to shoulder a bigger load arising from the increased registration occasioned by the noble 100% transition program in our schools.
She said that the usual 3 term calendar will resume in January 2023 after a two year of flattened studies to make up for the time lost resulting from the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic.