CBC Pioneer Learners Join Junior Secondary School Amid Confusion
As the school year for 2021 kicks off, student learners under the new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) approach are now joining junior secondary schools.
Unfortunately, there has been a lot of confusion as to how the learners will fit in such schools, with many parents expressing concerns.
The Challenge of Introducing CBC in Schools
The government recently announced that CBC will be implemented in Kenyan public schools starting 2021, covering Grade 4 and Standard 8. These levels are to provide the required foundation to support the move to a competent-based approach.
However, the rapidly changing Kenyan education system has presented unique challenges in ensuring a successful transition. One of the biggest challenges is that the learners joining the junior secondary school are starting at different levels of competency.
Measures to Address Confusion
To ensure that there is no confusion, the following measures have been taken:
- Introducing digital e-learning platforms: By leveraging digital technology, the standards of learning are being made more inclusive. This includes introducing digital video streaming of classes, interactive e-learning platforms and mobile applications.
- Statistics-based assessment: The Ministry of Education has agreed to use statistics to assess the performance of CBC pioneer learners in the 2020 academic year. The results of the studies will then be used to identify the progress of CBC pioneer learners and guide them in junior secondary school.
- Skill-based testing: The Ministry has introduced skill-based tests to further assess the competence of CBC pioneer learners. These tests evaluate the learners’ ability to apply the knowledge acquired from their studies and judge their level of skill.
- Mentorship programs: The Ministry of Education has also launched mentorship programs to assist CBC pioneer learners. The program partners experienced professionals, teachers and alumni from senior secondary school to mentor the CBC pioneer learners during their transition to junior secondary school.
These measures are a step in the right direction and are crucial in addressing the confusion and uncertainty surrounding the transition of CBC pioneer learners to junior secondary school.
All subcouty secondary Schools ought to have been junior secondary schools and Extra, National schools to be Senior secondary schools.
This is because already they are equipped and can consolidate all the students around.