All teachers hired by TSC have been remoted from a school in Kilifi County after an attack was made to some of its teachers.
Michael Ngei, one of the teachers got a lot of injuries after he was confronted by a group of people at night at his home.
Michael got a lot of panga cuts as persons identified as from local community and staying within the school catchment confronted him at night in his home.
This incident made the Teachers Service Commission Sub–County Director to respond by withdrawing all the tutors from Kadzandani Primary School in Kilifi after pressure from Kenya National Union of Teachers officials and complaints by the teachers.
A number of delocalized tutors who were also endangered have swore not to go back to the school with some demanding transmission to their home counties.
Initial investigations discovered that the community was not pleased and had blaimed the teachers of Kadzandani of thieving food that was given to the school for feeding programme.
Though, the area chief predestined the incident saying that individuals should not take actions into their fingers but follow the law in resolving disputes.
Learning in the institute is now ceased following the incident and after teachers complained and left their premises.
Kilifi county mostly collects its teachers from the counties of Tana River, Kwale, Mombasa and Taita Taveta.
Kuppet together with Knut have called upon on the President’s government to srapp off the tutors delocalization strategy without a second.
According to the union administrators the programme is hurtful and affecting tutors and their families and that the government should eliminate it.
TSC introduced the policy 5 years ago saying it will improve national cohension. The issue of delocalization is a hot potatoes with many teachers union calling for its close.
The Government should take action with immediate response concerning that matter, firstly being abolishment of delocalization program and encourage localization instead!